It's All Up to You: The Coffee Adventure

You are the biggest influence on your coffee. You choose to buy your beans either whole bean or fresh ground. You pick your grind and you decide if you want drip or fine...
You choose how you brew. Do you get an extra smoky flavor from percolating over a flame? Does the intensity of a French Press or the slow control of a drip coffee appeal more? Are you a connoisseur of cold, steeping your fresh grounds for 24 hours to create the perfect cold brew?
A coffee routine is just like any other habit, and the more you do it every day without thinking about it, the less fun that activity becomes. Why not change things up by mixing your grounds? There are many ways to enjoy a single type of bean on different days: some people love Mexican Morning but long for a sweet hint of chocolate in their cup from time-to-time. To get this flavor combination all at once is simple if you are willing to try something new! One way to mix these two beans together could be 1/4 Mocha with 3/4 Mexican Morning ground. Try out varying ratios - maybe start off strong 1:1 or switch between combinations until you find a favorite!
Coffee is more than just an energy drink, it's a way to express your creativity and experience new flavors. Coffee can be mixed with many different tastes to create something that fits your taste buds perfectly. If you're not sure where to start in the world of coffee drinking or if you are looking for some inspiration, we offer sample packs so you don't have limits on what type of flavor combinations go into your morning cup! Mixing up how much ground beans goes into iced or hot drinks will help keep things fresh and interesting while building a collection tailored exactly for YOU.