Coffee and Camping: Mobile Brewing Methods

The cool September weather has provided a perfect end to the traditional camping season. The smell of fresh-brewed coffee often conjures up memories of relaxing mornings spent outdoors, but going without your favorite cup of Joe can be a hard sacrifice. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to enjoy a perfect cup while you're outside! This article will explore three different methods for brewing coffee while camping: instant coffee, pour-over, and the Aeropress.
For those of you who need your cup to go or simply don't want to deal with any mess whatsoever (we feel ya), the original option is instant coffee. This convenient method uses a variety of brands and flavors that can easily be packed into your camping bag without taking up valuable space.
Another simple way to enjoy fresh coffee while you're away is the pour-over method. This technique uses a cone and filter which allows hot water to slowly drip through freshly ground beans, producing an amazing cup of Joe! While it doesn't require electricity or batteries, this process does take some time and practice, so be patient.
Aeropress is a simple, portable method for brewing coffee. Invented in 2005 by the aeronautical engineer Alan Adler, this manual device uses air pressure to force hot water through ground beans and filter paper into your cup or mug. Its easy-to-use design makes it perfect for camping trips where you don't want to carry anything too heavy.
No matter which method you choose, we hope your portable morning coffee is delicious. And if you are a pour-over or Aeropress aficionado, make sure your camping gear also includes your favorite Salty Sailor Coffee!