The Rise of Coffee Culture

How much coffee is too much? The answer to this question will vary depending on who you ask. For some, a day without coffee is like a day without sunshine. They can't imagine being able to function in the morning if they don't have their cup of joe. Other people are more moderate and only drink it when they need an energy boost or for social purposes by drinking with friends at local cafes. Regardless of how much you enjoy your daily brew, there's no denying that the rise in coffee culture has been dramatic over the past few decades--and it doesn't show any signs of slowing down anytime soon!
The history of coffee is a long story, but it boils down to this: Coffee originated in Ethiopia and was quickly spread across the world. The first known mention of coffee dates back to 15th-century Yemen where locals used it as an energizing drink due to its stimulating effects on the central nervous system. However, Egyptians are credited with the invention of the coffee press in 1851. This was a major development because it made brewing and drinking coffee more convenient, which is evident from today's popularity!
Now you can find an artisan cup topped with artistic steamed milk patterns, or pick up the fast-food version with your breakfast sandwich in a cup that cautions you about hot contents. Coffee itself is accessible, but good coffee is still worth the change. For those of us with discerning palates, freshly roasted beans make all the difference.
Coffee culture is its own matter. It's a culture that celebrates the drink as much as it does its own flavor. The rise of coffee culture has been one of our biggest social shifts, and what we choose to do with this beverage is up to us. Coffee served an important role in society before Starbucks became popularized--largely because of its popularity in Europe. Now coffee culture is on the rise and extends well beyond just a morning cup of joe, as evidenced by everything from iced lattes to specialty coffees with varying flavor syrups, coffee-scented candles, and coffee-flavored ice cream. No matter how you get your coffee fix, we support you!